“We make a living by what we give…not what we get.”
Inspired Alignments
Being the absolute best father I can be is the single most important thing I can be
in my lifetime.
It’s for this reason that I specialize in fundraising for schools , because, well,
I’m the parent of a beautiful school-going daughter, and being a past parents
club president, I have experienced firsthand the financial struggles that
schools go through – But there are other causes that I hold near and dear…
I’m also available for just about any charitible organization: I’m a
supporter of enviromental issues, equine efforts, women’s causes,
the arts, and I am a complete sucker for ANYTHING involving children.
My passion and enthusiasm for what I do are second to none.
Watch The Difference

They say the “devils in the details”. No truer words were spoken – no organization can
“wildly exceed their fundraising expectations” without planning. Keith Fox will help you
focus on the key fundraising components and help you answer the common questions;
What items sell the best – audience development – timeline planning – script writing –
item order – and Special Appeal (Fund-A-Need) planning for maximum emotional
impact. Keith Fox is a master at weaving incredible and impactful messages that get
everyone to “jump on board” and rally behind your cause, and most importantly, GIVE.
Successful event’s don’t just “happen”, they’re carefully planned and professionally
executed. Keith Fox will serve as your trusted advisor and walk you through solid
strategies that will transform your guest experience.
Remember – it’s not necessarily the money you make at your event – but the
money that gets left behind when you put the wrong person on stage at your event.
Are they professionally trained? Do they invest in their continuing education? Are they going to say something controversial? How are they going to interact with your donors? How are they going to conduct themselves? Do they have the experience and finesse to handle any hiccups that may arise?
Remember – whom you choose will represent you AND your organization. Hire a pro.
“THIS is my passion and my life’s calling – and I’m really, really good at it. Others may say that but I prove it through my commitment to ongoing education, earning special designations and by continuously investing in seminars and workshops and collaborations with other professionals to enhance my value and worth.
Put simply: I am striving to always learn and evolve.” – Keith Fox
Happy People
You’re gonna love what we can do
Live Auction-TAINMENT!
Fact: People give more when they’re
having fun and engaged – this – more
than any other factor determines how
much people will give. No one
does this better than KEITH FOX.
With over 30 years of entertainment
experience – KEITH FOX is a
consumate professional, and an
incredible and engaging entertainer.
The approach is light hearted, yet with
a serious focus on impacting revenue
and fostering goodwill from your guests
From being a professional dj and radio
personality to being the regional winner
of the Game Show Network’s Natonal
“Coast-To-Coast-Search-For-A-Host” –
to being a Parents Club President –
KEITH FOX has a vast and diverse set
of entertainment skills honed over
years of delighting a diverse
Be ready for fun.
Master Storyteller For
Your “Special Appeal”
Your focus for your Fund-A-Need
(Special Appeal, Paddle Raise, etc)
is scripted out and handcrafted to
connect with your audience – and
delivered with passion and emotion
for maximum impact.
KEITH FOX is able to deliver this
mission critical moment to your
guests perfectly within your timeline to
bring everyone together so they rally
behind your cause/mission and
give generously.
This moment – more than any other – is where and when you connect and endear your donors to your cause.
KEITH FOX will work with you to
create a unique and “one-of-a-kind-tug-
at-the-heartstrings” message.
Be Inspired.
Professional Sound Consultant
KEITH FOX has spent over 30
years in the nightclub/dj/show business
industry – he has worked with
JBL, CROWN and SHURE on sound
systems design and implementation
in a wide variety of applications
From having custom-designed
sound systems for mobile, club
and arena venues – KEITH FOX
will consult with you to implement
the most cost-effective and
efficient sound solution for your
We work with professional sound
companies to ensure everyone
from your CEO/Board President
to the Special Appeal is heard
crystal-clear and at a comfortable
Sounds great.